Sunday, January 31, 2016


Jennifer found a recipe for fermented chili sauce that was mostly jalapeños, with a little salt and a little garlic thrown in. We started slicing them and knocking out the seeds, but then the air got a bit too spicy. Drastic measures were in order.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wise men sometimes

My friend and bike club teammate Kevin posted this to our list serve the other day. I didn't write it myself, but it describes a lot of what I love about my team and riding in general.

The new year is a month old and races are already being posted and trained for. We have had a blizzard - life goes on. In the hours spent in the house last weekend I thought about the the bonds that we form as a result of being connected to this crazy sport - the people we meet - the people that change us. And I suppose that's why I keep coming back every year because I know I need to be changed - that I'm missing something many things and if I just hang in one more mile I'll find at least a part of it. The ride is never truly complete. I have ridden since 1986 and there are more miles- I watched Meurig ride across the United States - there is more. Those of you that I don't know well I should know better/ those whom I think I know I do not know enough. Those who have left us are with us- on every ride which is never done.