It has been our tradition as young, and not so young adults, to drive up to Sioux City for Christmas to spend some time with Grandma Ritz. She's in her 93rd year and despite a fall off of the front stairs at her house which knocked out one of her teeth and broke her wrist this July, she's doing marvelous. Nearly as cantankerous as ever, and MORE than willing to send you home with 5 pounds of cookies,some jelly, horseradish and lest I forget, ham. Ian, Asa and I arrived at about 6:30 and following the great success we had with cooking her dinner last time, whipped up some cheese steaks for dinner. After dinner Asa pulled out his laptop and showed her pictures of his trip last year to Chile. She was duly impressed, but kind of lost track of where exactly Chile was. She then produced some map placemats that she had been saving for just that purpose, got her bearings and we were back on the way.