We've been working on some north/south bike lanes for the past 5 months, and are finally going to be moving on them. Go go go! Moving at the speed of government.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Friends' Asylum For The Relief of Persons Deprived Of Reason

I came across this most excellent name while doing some research on historical clearance for the bike rack project that has been taking me FOR EVER.
The place is currently called the Friends Hospital, and is on the National Register of Historic Places and is currently operating as a mental health facility.
Mission Statement of 1813
"To provide for the suitable accommodation of persons who are or may be deprived of the use of their reason, and the maintenance of an asylum for their reception, which is intended to furnish, besides requisite medical aid, such tender, sympathetic attention as may soothe their agitated minds, and under the Divine Blessing, facilitate their recovery."
As a person who is not infrequently deprived of reason, I took notice.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hit and run
My teammate Meurig James was hit by a white SUV and sustained some serious injuries last Friday while riding near the Please Touch museum. He'll be ok, but what kind of piece of shit would hit someone and drive off. Insane.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Distracting world
I've been really distracted this past week by news and pictures of the earthquake off the coast of Sendai in norther Japan last week. I think that it happens with more or less every season change, but I always get pangs of nostalgia when I see the first cherry blossoms of spring. It's a trite response, but it truly was a fabulous time of year in Japan. Spring rolls around and people emerge from their cold, kerosene-ridden houses and head for the cherry groves.
I have no idea what it must be like to be back in Japan right now, but the whole event has left me with a strange feeling of disorientation and longing to be back there. We never got a chance to really explore the north of Japan, and Nagano was about as far inland as one can get in Japan. There was an earthquake centered off of Niigata Prefecture, about 80 miles northwest of where we were, and I recall thinking that it was mostly just a thrill. Not so thrilling for the 18,000 confirmed dead this time.
I think that some of the most compelling images I found were in the before and after pictures on this Australian website. What a loss, though I have faith that the Japanese values of co-dependence and stalwart determination will serve them well in the coming months and years of rebuilding.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Christmas, come late
I should probably have done this sooner, but I wanted to post some of the cool goodies that came about from a handsome state of affairs at Christmas. Leah got me/us a mushroom kit: grow your own shitake mushrooms. Holy SHITake they are large, well precisely the one that we've got so far is enormous. I'm hoping that warm weather will bring in another couple of flushes of mushrooms.
My parents also got Jennifer and me a gift card, and a hefty one at that. I got myself a spanky new Skaagen watch to keep me on time (good luck, it'll take more than danish engineerding to make that go right)
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Step Two

Actually post a picture, like you intended in the first place. This is my favorite new kitchen friend. Mr. Teapot is pretty awesome. The spout allows him to rapport so excellently with his buddy the Chemex. The best part is that it takes only about 90 seconds to boil enough water for an Aaron sized dose of coffee.
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