Wednesday, January 22, 2014
From the Himalayas, with Love
Shrimp, meet giant slab of 500 degree salt!
Delicious, unless you let it cook too long, in which case, salty-licious.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Motorvational speaker
So, perhaps I have given my cho co- workers too much info on Jennifer's dissertation status over the past few months. Earlier this week she made brownies in an attempt to stave off working on her dreaded paper. My colleague Kristin had some choice words for jennifer when I offered her some of the spoils. The post-it note was a nice pep talk to encourage her onward. What she really said was something like, "These are delicious, but why dissent she knock it off and do the fucking dissertation?"
The brownies were a hit with everyone but Jennifer who found them inadequate, too cake-like and far from the idealized brownie in her head. I reminded her that the best is often the enemy of the good. Advice that applies to baked goods and scholarly writing alike.
Saturday, January 04, 2014
What kind of "athlon" would this be?
Took myself out for a snow ride and ski this morning. The ride to FDR park was chilly, starting temps were around 11 degrees, but by the time I had stashed my bike and gotten going, the sun had warmed things up considerably. I broke trail for about an hour and them doubled back on my steps and did the same course in 30 minutes.
I have so few chances to ski in philly that I have to pounce every chance I get.