Tuesday, December 01, 2015
The game is afoot
Well, I got over it. It's only fair that a new mayor can put his or her stamp on their team. Speculation is rife in the office and while I'm not particularly worried that they will find someone who knows how to run a bike share program better than me, I'm definitely worried that the new administration will break up our band. MOTU has been such an awesome place to work, and my colleagues are great. If only we could keep building on what we've got, I'd be happier. As my old boss used to say, "Philadelphians embrace change, as long as it looks exactly like it did before you changed it." I guess I'm becoming Philadelphian in that sense.
Monday, November 23, 2015
First Degree Connection
I was impressed by the work, and particularly by Charlie's presentation. I work hard on making sure that when I give a presentation I'm engaging and that I use whatever media I've got at my disposal to the best of my ability. Over the years, I've gotten pretty good, and I'm generally to the point where I think that I'm one of the better presenters on any given panel that I do. I did a passable job last week, but Charles' absolutely rocked. Clear, compelling and well supported by the graphics in his powerpoint. I was in presentation envy and following our meeting, was pleased to find that he'd sent me a connection request through LinkedIn. I'm not much for social media, but I do dabble enough to understand that it could be useful to cultivate this connection, so I clicked on the link. Charlie and I were now connected, and since I was in the portal where one accepts pending invitations, I started clicking through the requests. Several were from people who I'd never heard of, several from some who I didn't want to hear from again and then I found one waiting in my inbox from Wade Frank. He'd sent the request some months ago and I'd never really bothered to respond. No particular snub there, I hadn't responded to 10 or 15 other people who'd been patiently waiting in my inbox. I hadn't seen Wade since he'd moved back to Des Moines from Ames where he worked for my dad while he was finishing, or generally not finishing, his dissertation at ISU. I'd always liked Wade and I'll always think about him now in my work. Not because of our connection on LinkedIn, but because I think that I'll always be thinking about how to encourage more people to ride bicycles and to help more people stay safe on the roads. It's a strange coincidence that my reminder of him was the result of a poignant talk about road safety. Cheers to you Wade, and goodbye.
Friday, November 06, 2015
Historical information.

We talked for a good 30 minutes about all the various procedures and doctors and pains and aches and really connected on the sort of stuff that connects people who are getting older, slower, and also have no kids. I was able to forward on my blog posts from 2013 when I'd undergone my various surgical and therapeutic procedures. It made me realise, or in fact, re-realize how this blog has become a lot more like a diary than the communication tool that it started as. I began it when we were in Japan, 12 years ago, as a way to keep my friends and family in the loop with how we were doing half a world away. Supposing that my blog isn't magically wiped out in the next economic catastrophe or during the GoogleBook merger of 2018, I would like to keep it as a log of my adventures and deeds.

But because I'm 'busy' and 'committed' and 'a hard worker' I rarely take the time to write anything here anymore. It is in this vein that I'm going to (and seriously for real guys/friends/family/future Aaron) post some things that I should have gotten around to long ago. There is a set of posts from Iceland over this past summer, more and better posts from our trip to Germany, some ruminations from our continual projects around the house, a set of great shots of sunsets from across the Great Plains and some ruminations from my time spent as a crew-member on RAAM for Meurig in 2013. I'm going to try to put them in the general order of when the events happened for the better finding later. First day of the next part of my life, where I remember and write about the last part of my life, starts now.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Iceland for all - Post 1
Then we drove to the Bonus supermarket and stocked up on a bunch of junk food and snacks for the week and then headed out of town. Though the scenery was largely fantastic right out of Reykjavik, I fell asleep pretty much as soon as we headed out on the road. One major plus about touristing in a place where the sun doesn't set is that jetlag isn't really an issue. I napped a bit and then we woke up by this giant blue volcanic pool near some bubbling fumaroles and we got out and wandered around.
We got back in and since we only had 23.5 more hours of light left, headed straight to the south coast of the island to explore some waterfalls off of Highway 1 (FYI--there really isn't a Highway 2 in Iceland, though there are a number of other lesser roads)
We ended up following a bunch of tour buses to this cool waterfall called Seljalandsfoss. The grass was so lush and green, it was no wonder that aside from tourists, the dominant mammalian life was sheep.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
That's why the good lord created a little thing we like to call mechanical advantage.
Thursday, June 04, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Hell of a month
Friday, April 24, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Do you eat hot pockets?
It was good.
And lo; the Lord provideth not only the hot pockets themselves, made of soy be they, but the means by which to heat them.
Now to find the prophesized 120v outlet...
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Work trips can be great if they involve cool factory tours.
On Friday, I was taking a tour of Kiosk, the company that manufactures the B-cycle stations.
They do good work, and I'm confident that if things get screwed up with the launch, it will not be for lack of preparation on their part.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Last night in the mole hole.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
That is what kind of day it is.
My motivation to ski petered out around 9pm. The sake is delicious though. Now the plan is to get up early and go for a quick schuss tomorrow before work.
Thursday, February 05, 2015
Saturday, January 03, 2015
New years Eve, Erfurt.
Friday, January 02, 2015
At home with the Asa-nator
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Winter in Munich
Munich was pretty but cold. We arrived early in the morning, made it through customs and then headed in to town on an immaculately maintained, spanking new train. We wandered around the city for a while and then walked through the Deutches Museum. Warm? Check. Time consuming? Check. Largest indoor exhibition of mining and mineral extraction through the ages? Check.
We also hiked up the stairs to the top of the tower to Saint Peter's Church, and admired the cold, but satisfying view. The act of climbing the stairs had a nice warming effect as well.
This has been the first time that we have been abroad with a smart phone and data plan, and it has honestly been really nice. Navigating new cities is always hard, and particularly in Europe, where roads don't really trend to go just one cardinal direction.
After a looooong day and night of travel to Germany, Jennifer and I ate a super hearty Bavarian feast. Oh yeah, and some beers.