Monday, January 29, 2007

It's been a while since I've actually blogged ( what an interesting new verb, blog). I'm working my way into the thick of classes, I've got a paper due next week and the reading list is growing fast and furious. The big project for me this semester is the "Workshop" class where a group of classmates and I are unleashed upon some unsuspecting community so that we can plan the hell out of it. Our target is going to be the neighboring suburb of Conshohocken, just north of the city along the Schuylkill (skoo-kill) River. I've ridden my bicycle through there numerous times while on rides through the surrounding countrysides. It will be pretty sweet if I can actually see some of my planning efforts pay off in the future, but realistically the borough government thinks that we're just a bunch of junior chimps, they've set the bar pretty low. I'm just hoping to get through the semester with my sanity.

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